(Vintage Pletenina kratke hlače; Accessories torbica; H&M majca; Pull&Bear čevlji) (Vintage shorts; Accessories clutch; H&M tee; Pull&Bear shoes) V petek sva z Juretom preživela popoldan s Tino in Samotom, zelo dobrima prijateljema. Kot vedno smo se zelo zabavali, pogovarjali, smejali in bili srečni. Ni druge možnosti kot preprosto imeti rad nekatere ljudi. At Friday I and Jure were hanging out with Tina and Samo, our very good friends. As always we had a lot of fun, talks, laugh and happieness. You have no other choice than just love some people.
Ja, kaj niso tele kratke hlače nore? Obožujem jih! Doma sem jih našla, seveda. Oh, and aren’t these shorts crazy? I love, love them! I found them at home, of course.
that clutch bag is awesome –
and your shorts are so so cool
those are the most amazing shorts i have ever seen!
Super kombinacija!! 😀 Kaj vse se najde v omarah, ane? :))
Oe that clutch bag and your shorts are awesome! haha love it!
Uh yeah. Shorts = fabulous! You guys look like you had so much fun together!!
Love those shorts. SarahD:)