Cool people wearing 3 Ptice: Maruša and Teja

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Because we have rainy days here in Slovenia, it’s time that I show you these two awesome gals wearing 3 Ptice Rain tote bag.

Ker zunaj padajo dežne kapljice, je čas, da vam pokažem ti dve fantastični punci s 3 Ptice deževnimi toticami. 


The first gal is Maruša, (whom you should follow on instagram, btw). She is one of those people I met via internet and I can’t wait to meet her in real life someday, because she is such a cute, beautiful and kind persona, she deserves a long warm heart to heart hug from me! She ordered this bag called Purple Rain last November and send me a picture saying “I’ve sent you this picture just to let you know your work brightens someones day”

Isn’t that so heart warming? Yes, it is! Thank you, Maruša!

Prvo dekle je Maruša (mimogrede, morate jo spremljati na instagramu). Ona je ena izmed teh ljudi, ki sem jih spoznala preko interneta in komaj čakam, da pride dan, ko se srečamo tudi v živo. Po osebnosti se mi zdi tako prisrčna, lepa in prijazna, da si res zasluži dolg srčen objem od mene! Tole Purple Rain totico je naročila nekje novembra in mi kmalu poslala slikico rekoč, da zato, da vidim, kako moje delo nekomu polepša dan!
Če to ne ogreje srca! Hvala ti, Maruša! 


Another cool gal that ordered a tote with rain is Teja. And I just figured out those rain drops are turned upside down, ooops! She wanted a black cloud and drops in shades of gray. She and her friends thought of cool name to market this tote: 50 shades of grey rain 😀 And she says she wears it all the time! Teja is also a designer, she makes awesome crochet + wood jewelry. I am always amazed when I see her perfect booth on art markets! Check out Kvičke Kvačke page on etsy and order a piece for yourself, you won’t regret it!

Druga kul punca, ki se naokoli sprehaja z deževno totico pa je Teja. In jaz sem pravkar ugotovila, da so te kapljice narobe obrnjene, ups! Teja je želela črni oblaček in sive kapljice. S svojimi prijatelji se je domislila pametnega imena totice za boljše oglaševanje: 50 odtenkov sivega dežja 😀 Pravi, da jo skozi nosi! Za njo ste verjetno že slišali, izdeluje namreč čudovit nakit iz svojih kvačk in lesenih osnovic. Vsakič, ko se srečava na sejmih sem očarana nad njeno popolno stojnico, prav tako pa tudi nad spletno stranjo in Kvičke Kvačke facebook stranjo. Naročite si kakšen njen kos, ne boste obžalovale! 


If you want to be featured on my blog, send me pictures of your styling with 3 Ptice goodies at

Če si želite odpreti moj blog in na njem uzreti sebe, mi pošljite kakšno fotko, kako ste stilirali 3 Ptice izdelke na

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.

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