“But listen to me. For one moment quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you.” ― Rumi

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 f0879680_thumb-8026921 Pozdrav! Na fotkah lahko vidite, kaj sem imela oblečeno prejšnji petek. Ja, res sem hitra, vem! Takrat smo šli na rap koncert (hip-hop reunion na Štuku). Bilo je tako tako. Lahko bi bilo boljše, ampak tudi ni bilo slabo. Tako hecno sem se počutila na plesišču, saj sem samo par komadov slišala že kdaj prej in nisem mogla sledit beatu, če sem se osredotočala na besedilo, hah. No, v večeru so mi bile tri točke zelo svetle. Prva, spoznala sem punco, ki mi je enkrat pisala, kako ji je všeč moj blog. Spomnim se, da sem ji takrat povedala, da se bova zdaj, ko veva druga za drugo, zagotovo slej ko prej srečali. No, zdaj je prijateljica od prijatelja in je šla z nami na party. Kako noro dobro je to? Drugič, pogovarjala sem se s punco, s katero sva pred par leti hodile na isto šolo in je bilo skoraj tako, kot da bi se pogovarjala sama s sabo! V dobrem smislu! Stvari, ki jih je govorila so se neverjetno ujemale z mano. Res mi je všeč, ko se to zgodi, ker se počutim manj v sranju, ko nekdo razume moje sranje, hehe. Tretjič, nek fant na plesišču mi je pokazal, da dobro zgledam. Prvo sem pogledala naokrog, da bi videla, na koga se gesta nanaša, a je rekel ‘Ti, ja!’ in pokazal na mene ter še enkrat naredil znak z rokami. ‘Hvalaaa!’ Tako fajn sem se počutila, ker prvič, se mi to ne zgodi kar vsak dan (glede na to, da sem večinoma doma, se mi niti ne more, haha) in drugič, ker mi je to pokazal na vljuden način, tako da sem se počutila srečno. In ne kot kot mesa, ki bi ga nekdo rad pof*kal. No, imejte lep vikend! * * * Hello guys! You can see on the pics what was I wearing last Friday (yeah, I’m really fast, I know!).  We went out on the rap concert. It was so so. It could be better, but was not that bad. I felt so funny on the dance floor, because I heard just few of the songs before and if I was focusing to the lyrics I couldn’t follow the beat, hah. There were three highlights in that night. First, I met the girl which once wroted to me, how much she liked my blog. I remember telling her back then, that now, when we knew for each other, will we sooner or later meet. And now he is a friend of a friend and she went with us to a party. How awesome is that? Second highlight, I was talking to a girl that few years was going to the same school as I was and it was almost like I would talk to myself. And I mean that in a good way! The things she was saying totaly resonated with me! I really like when that happens, because I feel less shitty, when someone understands my shit, hehe. The 3rd highlight was when some man on the dancefloor showed me the sign that I looked great. At first I checked around to whom the gesture applies on, but he said ‘Yeah, you!’ and showed the sign again. ‘Thank youuu!’ It felt so great because, first, that doesn’t happen to me everyday (it cannot as I am mostly at home, haha) and second, because he showed me this in polite way that made me feel happy. And not like a piece of meat someone wants to fuck. Have a nice weekend! f0827584_thumb-3979292f0913984_thumb-5828708 f0949312_thumb-8257844 f0976128_thumb-8101224 f1002432_thumb-8015634

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. O, kak lepa gesta. Malo zmanjsa moje prepricanje, da so vljudni fanti na plesiscu samo v romanticnih komedijah. 😛
    Ful lep pulovercek 🙂

  2. Three very nice conversations with people. It's wonderful when you meet someone who you can instantly feel comfortable with. Your vintage sweater is amazing. I want one!

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