Pozdrav! Hvala za super odziv na prejšnji post. Nekako ga nisem pričakovala, hah. Vesela sem, da tudi vi vidite lepoto v svetu. Več kot smo jo pripravljeni videt, več je lahko vidimo. No, na teh fotkah imam oblečen blazer, ki sem ga vam že pokazala. Vem, da sem rekla, da je naprodaj in še vedno je, ampak se nisem mogla upreti, da ga ne bi oblekla. Vem da razumete 😉 Hey guys! Thanks for the great response on the previous post. I somehow did’n’t expect it, hah. I’m glad that you see the beauty in the world. More we are ready to see, more we can see. So, in these pics I wear the blazer I showed you before. I know I said it’s for sale and still is, but I couldn’t resist wearing it. I know you understand 😉 (Blazer z DIY potiskom; H&M klobuk, šal, torbica in čevlji; vintage bluza; Oviesse jeans) (Blazer with DIY print; H&M hat, scarf, bag and shoes; vintage blouse; Oviesse jeans) Jesen je mrzla, ampak je tako lepa. Barve, barve, barve povsod. Lep teden vam želim! Autumn is cold, but it’s so beautiful. Colours, colours, colours everywhere. Have a nice week!