Par dni nazaj sem v google vpisala ‘quartz paintings’ in mi je pokazalo fotografije kristalov. Moj odziv je bil v stilu “Ti neumni google, jaz sem napisala slike, ne fotografije!” Ampak sem potem vseeno kliknila na sličico, ki me je odnesla na spletno stran noro dobre umetnice imenovane Carly Waito. In potem sem ugotovila, da to dejansko so slike! Z oljem na masonit. Ali lahko verjamete? Kakšna talentka! Bila bi zavistna, če ne bi bila preveč navdušena, da lahko nekdo tako dobro slika! * * * Few days ago I wrote in google ‘quartz paintings’ and it showed me pictures of quartzes. I was like ‘”You stupid google, I wrote paintings, not photos!” But then I clicked on the image anyway and it took me to that website of the freaking great artist named Carly Waito. And I figured out those actually are paintings! Oils on masonite! Can you belive that? Such a talent! I would be envious if I were not too amazed that someone can paint that well! P.S.: Carly pravtako piše blog. P.S.: Carly also writes a blog.
omg i really thought they were photos!
wow he's very talented.
Agree! Actually is she (:
"ti neumni google" 😀