Odločila sem se, da bom naredila novo rubriko tukaj na Life.Style.Fun. imenovano ‘Artist of the Week’, kjer bom z vami delila dela umetnikov, ki me navdihujejo. Upam, da vam bo všeč (: Prvi umetnik tedna je Aleksander Wiz, fotograf iz Trsta. Včeraj mi je poslal prijazno sporočilo na facebooku in ko sem šla potem gledat njegove albume, me je skoraj odneslo. Res ima oko za lepoto narave! Ustvarja pa tudi cvetlične mandale v photoshopu. No, naj spregovorijo slike:
I’ve decided to make a new section here on Life.Style.Fun called ‘Artist of the week’, where I’ll show you work of artists which I find inspiring. Hope you’ll like it (: First artist of the week is Aleksander Wiz, a photographer from Trieste. He send me a kind message on facebook yesterday, and I was really blown away when I was checking his albums there. He really got an eye for the beaty of nature! And he also makes floral mandalas in photoshop. Let the pictures do the talking:
Za več njegovih čudovitih fotografij se odpravite na njegov flickr ali pa ga poiščite na facebooku. For more of his beautiful pictures visit his flickr or find him on facebook.
these are absolutely amazing!very talented!!!
hei, samo da te obvestim, zdaj imam nov blog blogthestylist.blogspot.com 🙂
waw supeeer! =)
wow, those pics are so beautiful!