Thank you, angels!

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Takole! Odločila sem se, da grem proti uspehu. Nehala bom skrbet, kaj si drugi mislijo o meni in moji umetnosti. Vem, da nikoli ne bom vsem všeč in da bodo o mojih delih mešana mnenja. In prav je tako, hvala Bogu za raznolikost! Dovolj sem močna, da lahko prenesem, če me bo kdo hotel spravit na tla. Enkrat sem prebrala, da če te ljudje želijo spravit dol, je to zato, ker si nad njimi. Lahko odpustim vsem, ki so me kdaj na kak način zatrli, in vsem, ki ne verjamejo, da sem izbrala pravo pot. Lahko odpustim sebi. Nehala se bom kritizirat, če česa ne naredim popolno, nočem zapravit življenja s perfekcionizmom! In nikoli ne veš, morda bo nekaj, kar bi po moje lahko bilo boljše in lepše, za koga drugega čudovito (kot se je že zgodilo). Nehala se bom sabotirat. In ne samo zaradi sebe, tudi zaradi drugih, saj lahko svetu, ki se začne v moji okolici, dosti več ponudim, če sem srečna in uspešna. Moram se zahvalit vsem, ki verjamete vame in me spodbujate. Angeli ste, resnično! pastel20trees_thumb-1456208Pastelna drevesca z akrili na papir za akrile | | Pastel trees with acrylics on paper for acrylicspastel20trees20close_thumb-8145683 Here we go! I decided I will move towards succes. I won’t care anymore what other people think about me and my art. I know I will never be everybody’s cup of tea and that there will be diferent opinions about my work. And is just right like that, thank you God for diversity! I’m strong enough that I can stand if anybody will trying to get me down. I read once ‘If people trying to bring you down that’s because you are above them’. I can forgive  everyone who supressed me in any way and  everyone who doesn’t believe I choose the right way. I can forgive myself. I will stop criticize mysef, if I don’t make everything perfect. I don’t want to ruin my life with perfectionism! And you never know, it might happen that something could be better and nicer in my opinion, but that thing could be just beautiful for someone else (like happened before). I won’t sabotage myself anymore. And not only because of me, but also because of others. I can give so much more to the world which starts with my surroundings if I’m happy and successful. I gotta say thanks to everyone, who believe in me and encourage me. You are angels, truly! abstract20colourful20circles20i_thumb-7204088Živahni pisani krogci z akrili na papir za akrile | | Cheery colourful circles with acrylics on paper for acrylicsabstract20colourful20circles20close20up_thumb-9463761

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Uuuu, res super! Ža nazadnje, ko sem bla tu si objavila par slik, ki so mi ble res dobre, vidim da nadaljuješ s polno paro, kar je tudi prav…
    Zelo inspiracijsko napisano tut za vse nas, te spodbujam! 🙂

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