Kreativ Blogger Award part II

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Končno je tukaj drugi del od  Kreativ blogger award, ki sem jo dobila od moje blogerske prijateljice Nine. Za prvi del in pravila kliknite tukaj. Finally, there’s the second part of Kreativ blogger award I got from blogging friend Nina. For the first part and the rules click here. dsc05902_thumb-8291391 Rada se igram turista v našem malem Ptuju. Danes sem to ponovno naredila. Počutim se tako srečno, kadar gledam vse te stavbe, kot da jih prvič vidim. In pravzaprav vedno najdem nekaj, česar še nisem videla. In  vmes še podelim par sladkih nasmeškov naključnim tujcem in zazdi se, kot da me celo mestece sprejme v svoj objem in kot da je tam samo za mene in mojo srečo. I like to play tourist in our little town. I did that today, again. It makes me feel happy looking at those buildings like a see them for the first time. And actually I always find something I didn’t see before. And I share my sweet little smiles with few strangers and it seems like the whole town embrace me and like it’s there just for me and my happieness. dsc05894_thumb-8374220 Brajde, ki jih lahko vidite na teh fotkah so pod oknom moje sobe. Kar mi je zelo všeč, saj se zato ob dežju kapljice slišijo glasneje in to je noro fantastična glasba za moja ušesa. The place you can see on these pics is under window of my room. There’s a grape on those trellis. I love having this under my window, because when it rains it makes drops sound a bit louder and it’s freaking fantastic music for my ears. dsc05886_thumb-3634318 Kadar sem v trgovini, grem ponavadi pogledat police z materialom za ustvarjanje, papirjem in pisali, čeprav vem, da trenutno ničesar ne rabim. Preprosto mi je všeč, ker je tako barvno in navdihujoče in polno možnosti, se vam ne zdi? When am I in supermarket I often go check those shelves with art material, papers and pencils, even though I don’t need nothing from there at the time. It’s just so colourful and inspiring and full of possibilities, don’t you think? dsc05896_thumb-7705536 Razmišljam, da bi objavljala več stvari, ki so mi všeč na tem blogu. Kot npr. dela naših in tujih oblikovalcev ter umetnikov, ki so mi všeč, bloge, ki me navdihujejo, več navdihujočih citatov, morda celo kdaj kakšen editorial itd. Pravzaprav o tem že kar dolgo razmišljam in se zraven vedno dobro počutim, tako da je vprašanje zakaj pa ne. Itak sem preveč osredotočena nase 😀 I’m thinking about posting more of the stuff I like on this blog. Like works of our and foreign designers and artists I like, blogs that inspire me, more inspiring quotes, maybe even some editorial here and there and so on. I actually think about that for quite some time now and I always feel good about it, so why not! I am too self-centered anyway ;D dsc05903_thumb-6518091 In še eno dejstvo o mojem ekološkem čiščenju 😀 V kopalnici čistim s citronko. Enkrat sem poskusila odstranit vodni kamen z limono in je super delovalo. Potem sem se odločila, da limone raje porabim za limonado in čistim ceneje s citronko. Poskusite! And one organic cleaning related fact about myself 😀 I clean bathroom with citric acid (Dr. Oetker, heh). I tried to remove limescale with lemon and it worked really well, so I decided I rather use lemons for lemonade and cheaper citric acid for cleaning. Try it! dsc05907_thumb-2887067 Odločila sem se, da nagrado predam naprej blogom, ki so pravtako kot jaz bili v finalu pri Bloggers Wardrobe, a niso bili med izbranimi desetimi. In ker moram nagrado podeliti desetim blogom, jo dobi še SS fashion World. I decided to giwe award to those blogs who were at Bloggers Wardrobe finals, but just like mine didn’t became one of ten chosen. And because I have to give award to ten blogs I give it to SS fashion World too.

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Lepo, da si končala še drugi del, me je zanimalo kaj boš napisala. 😀

    Haha, jst tut ko grem v te papirnice pa razne trgovine s takim materialom, že vonj mi je všeč tam notri, pa ko vidim vse kar imajo me prav prime neka ustvarjalnost. 🙂

    Ob tem mi gre kar na živce ideja, da sem bila vedno takšna, zadnja leta pa sem to zaradi raznih dogodkov čisto opustila, ampak zgleda, da se počasi vrača, ker zadnje čase bi non stop kaj ustvarjala in jaz res moram to počet, že oče je umetnik in je vse to del mene od majhnega. Včasih si želim, da bi bla bolj podobna sebi pred 10 leti. 😀

    Pa ti kar piši, o vsem kar ti paše…kar te navdihuje. Bomo z veseljem prebrali, važno da delaš s srcem. 🙂

  2. Thank You so so much! You are so sweet, I'm truly flattered!! It is very nice to see genuine people like you. I'll do my best on the task 😉 Thanks again.

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