Pag, Croatia 2013 Diary

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Pozdravljeni! Nekaj časa se nisem javila. Ampak imam zelo dober razlog! Z Juretom sva bila na počitnicah na čudovitem Pagu. Bilo je odlično! Cel teden sva imela sončno vreme, voda pa je tudi bila dovolj topla za plavanje. Tako, da sem na veliko VELIKO uživala! Res sem že rabila teden počitnic nekje stran, da sem si spočila um od podjetniškega razmišljanja in skrbi. In da sem se odklopila od interneta (kljub kupu wi-fi tabel se nisem priklopila). Zadnji teden v avgustu sem se namreč že počutila skoraj depresivno. Kot da nič kaj delam nima smisla, kot da samo delam in delam pa ni rezultatov… Huh, ampak zdaj se počutim kot milijon evrov (v slovenščini se to čudno sliši), uživam spet v delu in postavljanju ciljev ter načrtovanju.

No, gremo zdaj na ta velik kup fotk:


Hi, fellas! Long time no hear! But I have a really good reason! I was on vacation with my boyfriend in beautiful Croatian island called Pag! It was wonderful! We had a great sunny weather whole week and the water was still warm enough to swim, so I enjoyed big BIG time! I really needed this week on seaside, to clear my mind not doing anything bussines related. And to disconnect myself from world wide web (I refused to connect even though I saw bunch of wi-fi signs). Last week of August I almost became depressed, I felt like nothing I do makes sense, I just work and work and there’s no results… Huh, but now I feel like million bucks, enjoying my work, setting goals and making plans.

Okay, let’s get to this overload of pics now:

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Tole modro vintage oblekico sem prejela od prijateljice Ane, ki sem jo spoznala na art sejmih v Mariboru. Poglejte si njeno delo na fb strani. Dala mi je še kup drugih finih kosov plus ostankov. In še nekaj, kar sem pozabila napisat v objavi o gorah, pa brez tega sploh ne bi mogla it! Dala mi je njene pohodne čevlje, zastonj! Res sem srečnica, da sem blagoslovljena s takšnimi radodarnimi velikosrčneži v življenju!

Glede oblekice: Obožujem obožujem obožujem jo! Trenutno je moja najljubša!

I received this blue vintage dress from a friend named Ana whom I met on art fairs here in Slovenia. Check out her work on her fb page. She gave me a bunch of other cool stuff and scraps. Plus the thing I forgot to mention in my post about mountains: she gave me her hiking shoes, for free! I’m so happy I’m blessed with such geneourus big hearted people in my life!

About the dress! I love love love love it! It’s currently my favourite dress.


Revlon lak 410 Dreamer | | Revlon nail polish 410 Dreamer


Moj najljubši par 😀 | | My favourite couple 😀

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V Novalji sva se seznanila s tem kulskim cartljivim pristaniškim mucom. Kar zaljubila sem se.

We met this cool port cat who loves to pet. I fell in love.
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Jure z mojimi novimi očali. Meni so taaaaak kulske.

Boyfriend with my new sunglasses. I’m so happy with them, because they are so freakin’ cool!

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Razlog zakaj greva med drugim rada septembra na morje! Dosti lažje je imeti plažo samo za sebe!

See that’s why we love to go to the seaside in September! It’s way easier to have a beach for yourself!

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Pri tej umetnici sem si kupila (oz. mi je Jure) eno čudovito originalno akvarelno sliko (počekirajte njeno fb stran). Res je dober občutek, ko kupiš ročno delo. Tako toplo se ti srce razširi! Svoj denar zamenjaš za nekaj čudovitega in to brez občutka krivde, ker veš, da bodo tvoji evriči pomagali nekomu, da bo lahko še naprej delal to kar ljubi, in to je tudi način za širjenje ljubezni po svetu!


I bought one beautiful little original watercolor painting from this nice artist (check out her fp page). It feels so good to buy handmade! You get such a warm feeling in your heart! You exchange your money for something beautiful and you feel no guilt for spending it, because you know your euros will help someone to continue doing what they love, and that’s how love is spread around this beautiful world! 

Ne morem verjeti, da sem tukaj prvič v tem poletju nosila te sandale, ko pa so tako udobni.

I can’t believe that was the first time I wore those sandals this summer. They are so comfortable!


Driving around 20 watermelons

Še ena čudovita vintage oblekica, ki sem jo prejela od Ane. Škoda, da mi je pretesna. Ampak se vseeno nisem mogla upret, da je ne bi vsaj enkrat oblekla! Bo verjetno na prodaj v naslednji pomladno poletni sezoni. Mimogrede, delam na novi spletni trgovinici z vintage, secondhand in predelanimi kosi, ki jo bom kmalu razkrila, tako da me redno spremljajte!


Another beautiful vintage dress I received from Ana. Too bad it’s too tight on me. But I couldn’t resist wearing it at least once anyway! Will probably sell it in next Spring Summer season. Btw, I’m working on a new vintage, secondhand and retouched online clothing shop, which I’ll reveal soon, so stay tuned!

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Klobuk sem pa prejela od fantove mame | | The hat was a gift from boyfriend’s mum (:

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Čakanje na pico v restavraciji Laguna v Novalji na Pagu. Če boste kaj tam, jo priporočam! Postrežba je odlična! Naročila sva vsak eno pico (cena je bila približno ista kot je na Štajerskem, kjer ni ravno najbolj turistično območje, kaj šele visok standard, medtem ko se npr. na obali in v Bohinju za pico plača dvakrat več), in razumljivo je, da za to plus pijačo nisva veliko zapravila, postrežena pa sva bila veliko bolje kot v dražjih restavracijah v Sloveniji. Seveda nisem mogla pojest cele pice in tako me je natakar vprašal, če jo bom vzela domov (kar sem tudi mislila) in mi jo potem prinesel v lepi kartonasti škatli, ki je sploh ni bilo treba plačat (pri nas se škatla vedno plača)! Zdaj se mogoče sprašujete, zakaj tako strastno pišem o tem. Zato ker so bile po naših medijih informacije, kako da je Hrvaška postala draga, kako naj bi se domačini grdo obnašali in kako veliko ljudi ne misli nikoli več tja na počitnice in bla bla bla. No, midva imava samo dobre izkušnje, tako da vam lahko Hrvaško toplo priporočim.


Waiting for pizza in Laguna Restaurant in Novalja (Island Pag, Croatia). If you happen to be there, I recomend it! The service is excellent! We ordered one pizza each (the price of it was kinda the same as is in Slovenia where I live, which isn’t touristic part of the country and the living standard isn’t very high – in touristic parts of Slovenia like Bohinj and coast you pay twice as much for it), and so you understand we didn’t spend lots of money for them and for drink, but we were served way better than in more pricey restaurants here in Slovenia. Plus, I couldn’t eat the whole pizza so the waiter asked me if I’ll take it home and then gave it to me in a nice cartoon pizza box, which we even didn’t have to pay (in Slovenia you always pay the box)! Okay, why I am talking about all this so passionately, you might ask. Because there were lots of informations in our media how pricey has Croatia became and how rude they act and how people will never go back there and bla bla bla. Well, we only have good experiences and can recommend it!

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Zadar, Croatia


Na poti domov, poslovljanje od Paga | | On our way home, saying goodbye to Pag Island.


Podobni kosi | | Items similar to what am I wearing in this post:

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Wau, ta druga oblekica je res krasna. Samo, če je že tebi pretesna, potem je meni še bolj 🙁 Škoda, bi si jo ziher rezervirala za drugo poletje 🙂
    Pag je pa zgleda res lep jeseni, škoda, da gremo mi vedno samo na začetku sezone (začetek julija)..

  2. Anita, kako si lepa! Pa kakšne čudovite oblekice! In čist na vsaki slikici se vidi kako sta uživala! Ah morje, sonček, … Že pogrešam vseskupi, pa se jesen še dobro začela ni :(.


  3. Jooj, kako lepe slike in vesela sem da si si napolnila baterije. Čisto vse oblekice so lepe, ampak tudi meni je najlepša zadnja, ki naj ti bi bila pretesna, čeprav se sploh ne opazi. (:
    Lepo ustvarjaj še naprej (:

  4. ful lepe fotke! in obe oblekci ti res pašeta 🙂 katero akvarelno sliko si pa uzela na koncu? 🙂
    js bi še malo poletja, ampak se ubistvu tud jeseni že veselim heh 🙂

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