I want you! And you, and you and you! I’m talking about shoes here…

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Oh boy! Just 3 days ago was I still swimming in a warm see, but when I came back to Slovenia in the evening, the weather was so chilly I had to put on my jeans jacket as soon as I stepped out of the car. The difference between summer and fall was actually just a few hours. But well, I don’t complain, I love autumn (I actually love every season of the year – the best way to enjoy each one), but it really makes me craving for some new pairs of shoes.
So if I had some extra money in my wallet I would buy those freakin cool creepers to instantly spice my outfits up for those days when I’m really busy and I have to run to the city and meet friends when I’m done with errands. The second best option for that would be those comfy looking loafers. For rock concerts (one this Friday and second one last Friday in September) would I wear those JC platform chucks. For a coffee with girls and then night out I want the pair of ankle boots, for a coffee with myself and a planner I see myself in glittery oxfords and if some band played swing jazz near by I would wear those black and white beauties. Owl flats would be perfect for going to a library on a sunny morning and ones with a metallic cap for a pizza and walk through the town with boyfriend. And rain boots? Well, for picking up chestnuts, searching for mushrooms and early morning and rainy day walks with my dogs.
Ahhh, I’m a dreamer. I would be too happy, if I could afford myself at least one pair, even though they are all under $60 (45€).
Which ones do you like the most?
Fant! Samo 3 dni nazaj sem še plavala v toplem morju, ko pa sem prišla zvečer nazaj v Slovenijo, pa je bilo že tako hladno, da sem oblekla jeans jakno takoj, ko sem stopila iz avta. Razlika med poletjem in zimo je bila res le nekaj urna. Ampak dobro, jaz se ne pritožujem, ker imam rada jesen (pravzaprav vse letne čase – taboljši način, da v vseh uživam), priznam pa, da v meni resnično sproža željo po paru oz. nekaj parih novih čevljev.
Tako da če bi imela, kaj denarja odveč, bi si privoščila te noro kulske creeperse, ki bi instantno začinili moje outfite tiste dni, ko moram zelo zaposlena hiteti v mesto in se po končanih opravkih želim še dobiti s prijatelji. Druga najboljša verzija za takšne primere bi bi bile te udobno izgledajoče mokasinke. Za rock koncerte (v planu en ta petek, drug pa zadnji petek v septembru), bi obula te JC alstarke s platformo. Za kavo s kolegicami in potem noč zunaj, bi obula te gležnjarčke, za kavico s sabo in planerjem bi obula svetleče oxfordke in če bi v bližini kakšen band igral swing jazz, se kar vidim v črno belih lepotcih. Balerinke s sovicami bi bile perfektne za v knjižnjico na sončen dopoldan in te s kovinsko kapico za pico in potem sprehod po mestu s fantom. In dežni škornji? Ja, za pobiranje kostanjev, iskanje gob in zgodnje jutranje ter deževne sprehode z mojima psičkoma.
Ahhh, sem sanjačka. Res bi bila srečna že, če bi si lahko privoščila vsaj en par, čeprav so vsi pod 45€.
Kateri so pa vam najbolj všeč?

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


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