Outfit post: What if we fail? At least we will fail while daring greatly!

Published Categorized as 3 Ptice, Delo in denar, Oblačilne oprave, Osebno


So, we had a day off here in Slovenia, still a holiday. And as an entrepreneur I was having an inner fight, you know. “I have work to do, am so behind with everything, I gotta make some money, take care of marketing, I never get enough done, I never earn enough, never enough time…” And the other part of me was saying “Relaaax, it’s a holiday, take care of yourself, do some inner work, it’s still a work, just doesn’t feel like it ;)” Great trick! Thanks God I listened to that second part, because I came from feeling afraid about the week and all anxious (about money, about myself and how I see myself in society) to feeling totally excited about the week, cannot wait to start working on 3 Ptice and this blog as well tomorrow, I cannot wait to sell my goodies to people who want them, share my gifts, make money, change the world. I feel so good about myself, so grateful for everything I am, so grateful for everything I have, so grateful that I live in this beautiful country called Slovenia, so grateful for all the people I love and that I’m so lovable that they love me as well! Good life :*

I’m wearing: 3 Ptice tote bag; everything else secondhand/gifts

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Na polno človek & z vsem srcem in možgani life coach za umetnike, podjetnike in vizionarje, ki so se pripravljeni osvoboditi težke prtljage in zaživeti, kot so zmeraj globoko v sebi čutili, da JE MOGOČE, še posebej zanje. Kot life&business coach ti pomagam postaviti račke v vrsto 🦆🦆🦆, zato da lahko: ⇾ svetu daš najboljše kar lahko in zato tudi prejemaš plačilo ⇾ imaš ljubeče odnose polne podpore 💖 ⇾ imaš več kot dovolj časa zase in za stvari, ob katerih se zabavaš. Skupaj delava na zdravi SEBIčnosti, ki ti pomaga na prvo mesto dati to, kar ti je najbolj pomembno in zaživeti življenje, kot si ga želiš ti živeti. Na ta način lahko dejansko v kolektivno zavest dodaš svoj individualen doprinos, kot zdrava celica v planetarnem telesu. Brez samo-žrtvovanja in pregorelosti. anita@anitapuksic.com

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