#ArtJewelryChallenge: 4th day: Bunny Ears Scrunchies, Finally!

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I’m totally killing myself with procrastination. You know, I can get that I procrastinate with paper work and stuff, but I don’t really get why I procrastinate with things I love. Like writing, sewing, painting, going out in the nature, even eating and smoking cigarettes. I am one of those highly sensitive person. Which is good, because people tend to feel good around me, because I am compassionate, but the down side of this is that one little dissapointment and my whole day is screwed. Oh, I just realized what happened today. It was all great, I was super happy, but I figured out that I’ll have to postpone one of my creative/business dreams until I earn a shit load of cash and then I started procrastinating with everything else I could do. Instead of taking more action I took less. Like whatever I do, it just doesn’t makes sense, this old dream of mine will stay out of the reach. Do you ever feel like this? Like there’s a such a big river between where you are and where you want to be and there’s no bridge and if you try to swim, the stream will take you with it, down the river and you’ll be even further away from your dreams? At least you can see them from here…

Anyway, I got something done. The bunny ear scrunchies are listed on Etsy and my Slovenian webpage, I posted few pics on social media and learned how to create facebook ads with power editor on this webinar. I learned a lot on subject of procrastination. And I also wrote that post. Okay, I totally have a blur picture of my business reallity, my never enough pattern doesn’t wanna die. But maybe is this his last battle with me? However, I’m the one who’s gonna win the war.

So, about the scrunchies! I kinda want to wear all of them, that’s how much I like them, but I’m kind enough to offer them to you 😉 Go get them!

Also, remember my post with this beautiful girl wearing 3 Ptice scrunchie? A reader sent me a link to the picture bellow. That awesome girl on a red carpet with my scrunchie! Orgasm.

judita-frankovic-zna-nositi-retro-stil-60511-611x916-20131203094125255b225255d-5574691 Source: budi.in

There’s an #ArtJewelryChallenge going on Facebook and I decided to take it to the next level and also showcase my work here on my blog for five days in a row.
So what are the rules?
For 5 days, the nominated artist will show of her/his pieces, and also nominate one other artist every day to do the same.
So, thanks to Patsy and Unikat by Amadeja and Kitschy Mundi and Tina Jeranko and Natalija Zabav and Metka Zadravec for the nomination. Today I nominate, hhmm, I feel like everyone has already been nominated. I will nominate my friend, an academic painter who makes stunning paintings that I’m sure will sell for huge cash once the people from fashion industry discover her – Tjaša Čuš


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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Na polno človek & z vsem srcem in možgani life coach za umetnike, podjetnike in vizionarje, ki so se pripravljeni osvoboditi težke prtljage in zaživeti, kot so zmeraj globoko v sebi čutili, da JE MOGOČE, še posebej zanje. Kot life&business coach ti pomagam postaviti račke v vrsto 🦆🦆🦆, zato da lahko: ⇾ svetu daš najboljše kar lahko in zato tudi prejemaš plačilo ⇾ imaš ljubeče odnose polne podpore 💖 ⇾ imaš več kot dovolj časa zase in za stvari, ob katerih se zabavaš. Skupaj delava na zdravi SEBIčnosti, ki ti pomaga na prvo mesto dati to, kar ti je najbolj pomembno in zaživeti življenje, kot si ga želiš ti živeti. Na ta način lahko dejansko v kolektivno zavest dodaš svoj individualen doprinos, kot zdrava celica v planetarnem telesu. Brez samo-žrtvovanja in pregorelosti. anita@anitapuksic.com


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