
About us

Hey! My name is Anita and I am a person who wasted way too much time thinking about the appropriate title to describe herself.

I feel like I am somehow special. Most of my life I felt like I don’t fit in. I tried my best to become like “others”. I hid parts of myself. I hoped to wake up prettier and with a flat stomach, become more confident and outgoing.

I was a book worm since I learned how to read and since teenage years I loved reading everything about personal development, psychology, spirituality, how-humans-function.

Somewhere along the way I started appreciating some of my special-ness… until I read even more of everything (thank you internet) and consumed even more art and culture and realised that all I thought was somehow special about me?

There is millions of people on the planet who thinks those same things makes them somehow special and different than others.

Now I appreciate big time that I exist in this freaking huuuuuuuge Universe, on this planet that is full of wonderful landscapes, amongst at least 8,7 million species, as one of almost 8 billion humans.

I mean, even if I am nothing special, and if I don’t invent anything and if I don’t make it to the history, I find it marvelous and special, that I exist. My own beingness is something special, my life is special, even if it is not, lol, even if I share the beingness, the life with everyone else… including you… this is somehow all really special.

You know what I mean?

What I value?

Being aware that the time I have here on Earth in a physical form is limited, I wish to use that time living according to values I cherish.


 I love those moments when everything connects and I see I am tiny little part of infinite Universe, yet I exist and I am connected to it all.


Beauty that reveals itself in the darkest moments, that is found even at ugly places. Beauty that is beyond physical yet it shines through it.


Magic. Quests. Questions. Exploring. Discovering. Holding the gaze with the deepest fears. Standing the heat. Being transformed once again.


Expanding capacity for joy daily. Also seeing one thing that went well in a shitty day and cherishing it until you see more, soon realising it was quite an awesome day.



Integer enim risus suscipit eu iaculis sed ullamcorper at metus. Sed do eiusmod ut tempor labore et dolore.


Venenatis nec convallis magna, eu congue velit. Aliquam tempus mi nulla porta luctus neque.


Duis enim elit, porttitor id feugiat at, blandit at erat. Proin varius libero sit amet tortor volutpat diam lectus laoreet.

We are a team of passionate and dedicated specialists

Julie Miller


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, commodo erat adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod ut tempor incididunt ut labore.

David Lin

Wellness consultant

Integer enim risus suscipit eu iaculis sed ullamcorper at metus. Venenatis nec convallis magna eu congue velit.

Kate Murray

Health coach

Aliquam tempus mi nulla porta luctus. Sed non neque at lectus bibendum blandit. Morbi fringilla sapien libero.

Unique benefits and perks to be at your best

Nunc ligula justo consequat condimentum enim nec, semper auctor sapien. Morbi sagittis nunc nisl, eu sed congue lacus interdum vel. Nunc vel viverra at massa.

Pet-friendly workspace

Integer enim risus suscipit eu iaculis sed ullamcorper at metus. Sed do eiusmod ut tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Integer enim risus suscipit eu iaculis sed, ullamcorper at metus.

Yoga classes

Venenatis nec convallis magna, eu congue velit. Aliquam tempus mi nulla porta luctus. Sed non neque at lectus bibendum blandit. Cras eget mi tellus. Sed hendrerit purus quam, vel finibus dui eleifend at.

Paid time off

Duis enim elit, porttitor id feugiat at, blandit at erat. Proin varius libero sit amet tortor volutpat diam laoreet. Fusce sed magna eu ligula commodo hendrerit fringilla ac purus.

Our company in numbers

Sed in ligula velit blandit rhoncus non iaculis nulla. Morbi ultricies turpis faucibus vulputate enim porttitor vitae. Mauris dui tellus mollis quis varius, sit amet ultrices in leo. Cras et purus amet velit congue diam.


proin eu elit quam


lauris sed rhoncus urna


nunc vitae vira lacus


morbi dictum non enim

“It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Join the team

Proin vehicula ultricies pharetra. Donec at massa consectetur nec lorem maecenas tempus vehicula.