#ArtJewelryChallenge: 2nd day – This ain’t no time to sit around, cryin’ like a bunch of pussies

Published Categorized as 3 Ptice

Yep, it’s not. It’s time for action, fellas! This is 3 Ptice bestseller among the tote bags. It’s is so close to my heart because of the message, because of all amazing action oriented people that bought it, because I sent one to NY, on the 5th Avenue to the office of producers of the movie (nominated for 4 oscars!) from which I took the words, because it makes me happy and full of energy everytime I’m stamping it. Ah, just love it! It’s perfect bag for entrepreneurs, artists, bloggers, students, activist, ecologists and everyone who feel depressed to get up and going!

There’s an #ArtJewelryChallenge going on Facebook and I decided to take it to the next level and also showcase my work here on my blog for five days in a row.
So what are the rules?
For 5 days, the nominated artist will show of her/his pieces, and also nominate one other artist every day to do the same.
So, thanks to Patsy and Unikat by Amadeja for the nomination, and today I nominate a truly amazing young painter known as Blutkind Antizoloft.  



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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Na polno človek & z vsem srcem in možgani life coach za umetnike, podjetnike in vizionarje, ki so se pripravljeni osvoboditi težke prtljage in zaživeti, kot so zmeraj globoko v sebi čutili, da JE MOGOČE, še posebej zanje. Kot life&business coach ti pomagam postaviti račke v vrsto 🦆🦆🦆, zato da lahko: ⇾ svetu daš najboljše kar lahko in zato tudi prejemaš plačilo ⇾ imaš ljubeče odnose polne podpore 💖 ⇾ imaš več kot dovolj časa zase in za stvari, ob katerih se zabavaš. Skupaj delava na zdravi SEBIčnosti, ki ti pomaga na prvo mesto dati to, kar ti je najbolj pomembno in zaživeti življenje, kot si ga želiš ti živeti. Na ta način lahko dejansko v kolektivno zavest dodaš svoj individualen doprinos, kot zdrava celica v planetarnem telesu. Brez samo-žrtvovanja in pregorelosti. anita@anitapuksic.com

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