
Published Categorized as Nekategorizirano, Oblačilne oprave

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(Tally Weijl gray shirt; H&M hat and shoes; vintage T-shirt; Pull&Bear scarf; Bershka pants; DIY belt; pepermint brooch)

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(Vintage shirt; C&A belt; H&M hat; Josh’ Bag scarf; Oviesse jeans; Graceland shoes)


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By Anita Puksic

Na polno človek & z vsem srcem in možgani life coach za umetnike, podjetnike in vizionarje, ki so se pripravljeni osvoboditi težke prtljage in zaživeti, kot so zmeraj globoko v sebi čutili, da JE MOGOČE, še posebej zanje.


  1. So colourful and fun! These outfits make me smile and you look like you're having a great time in them. Thank you for adding me to your blog roll. You've been added too 🙂

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