Always look on the bright side of Life

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dsc00914_thumb5b25d-1785447 dsc00916_thumb5b35d-9927901 dsc00924_thumb5b15d-4834441dsc00921_thumb5b45d-5663858dsc00933_thumb5b15d-8698550 dsc00938_thumb5b25d-9232768 dsc00939_thumb5b15d-2603561 dsc00957_thumb5b15d-5317252 There is a cave in the middle of Ptuj city, by Edgar Mueller dsc00964_thumb5b15d-7728053dsc00972_thumb5b15d-5362562 (Secondhand & DIY dress, Zara pullover, an old DIY skirt, H&M pantyhose, Accessories bag, Ali Star shoes)

I’m so glad that school haven’t started for me yet 😀

Z Ljubeznijo,

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By Anita Puksic

Na polno človek & z vsem srcem in možgani life coach za umetnike, podjetnike in vizionarje, ki so se pripravljeni osvoboditi težke prtljage in zaživeti, kot so zmeraj globoko v sebi čutili, da JE MOGOČE, še posebej zanje.


  1. Omg! Temu se reče umetnina! Najprej sem rabla 5 min, da sem ugotovila, da je to v bistvu naslikan!:) Super outfit(spet). In jest sem tut vesela, ker se še ni začel faks:D

  2. Oooo, do konca življenja mi bo žou, da se nisem vpisala na psihologijo..

    Heh, tud js sm rabla par minut, da sm dojela, da je to naslikan 😀 Prvo sm mislna, da je to ena huuge luža, pa da so tist samo sence, ampak potem mi ni bilo jasno "sence od česa".. Fajn! 😀

  3. the picture in the pavement in AMAZING! i also love your t-shirt 🙂 and the coloured tights!
    thank you for your comment!
    x x x x x x x

  4. Love love love that colour on your tights and the writing on your shirt is adorable! I'd have to remember to always look on the bright side of life:) xx

  5. wowwwwwwwwww:)
    I love the last pic!!!! oh and last summer I bought a sweatshirt of Roxy in Ireland with the words "Think Bright Thoughts". Your shirt reminded me to it:)
    anyway, thanks a lot for you comment on my blog!
    xx from madrid:)

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